Joshua.Hu | Joshua Rogers' Scribbles

NodeJS, nvm, yarn, and npm on MacOS in 2025

CodeQL on MacOS

Updating FreeBSD's datetime without DNS

Feedburner's Caching Problem

Some Thoughts on "Fixing Security Issues"

Encrypted NTP using NTS and chrony on FreeBSD

A DoS Attack in RuneScape: In 3-Dimensions!

Mounting and reading an ext4 drive on MacOS

Credential Stuffing Done Right: Some Tips

SSH-Snake Update: Multi-IP Domain Resolution

On the Google Account Persistence Exploit

Fuzzing with memfd_create(2) and fmemopen(3)

Fuzzing glibc's libresolv's res_init()

Revisiting My Old Blog

root with a single command: sudo logrotate

My Wrocław tourism tips and recommendations

Slack login is broken with noscript

Speeding up nmap service scanning 16x

Creating an eBay crawler for fun and profit

How I got into the security industry