An LLVM extension that rewrites a codebase into a single
function. -
A service which stores credentials for websites that a team/company has a single login for, and allows team-members to use the service without knowing the password (like proxy with persistent cookies for login). This may include “modules” for certain websites that handle login on the website automatically.
Fuzz scripting languages’ scripts using AFL++ to instrument actual in-script functions.
Some type of “fake symbol insertion” into binary files so when they’re debugged, incorrect code is shown.
Discuss about Iranian censorship – https://ooni.org/post/2022-iran-technical-multistakeholder-report/#blocking-of-browser-extension-repositories
Talk about how multibillion dollar companies are being taken over by children
Discuss movie posters history
Invent an IPv6 blocklist algorithm that works for hosting and residential
On being arrested in 2013, 2014, 20x4
Create a page that tracks BA members now/then.
Slack watcher, similar to LDAP
Javascript security
Infinite tail call recursion crashes