Joshua.Hu | Joshua Rogers' Scribbles

Losing Sight and Vision of Your Mission and Culture: Part 2

Part one can be found here.

You: You’re an app developer for a large airline, hoping to bring the best experience to your users as possible. One day, you notice that some users are not updating to the latest and great app you’ve spent your time making, so you get an idea: why not add a check inside the app that blocks the functionality of the app unless you’re running the latest and greatest™ version. In addition to this, why not update all of the images in the app to be more shiny™ – the images are only 200MB, that’s nothing, I can download that in half a minute in my office!

Me: I’m a passenger of an airline that has been offered an alternative flight with a stop-over in a third country, because my original flight was delayed by over 4-hours. The crew has told me that once I arrive in the stop-over country, I’ll be able to use the app to check-in to the flight to my original destination – I won’t be able to leave the “arrivals” section of the stop-over country’s airport because I don’t have the correct visa, but not to worry, the airline has told me that with their great and shiny™ app, I can check-in and get my ticket; but only after I arrive there for some reason.

Me: In the third country, the airport helpfully offers free unlimited WiFi! But only for ticket-holders – which I don’t have yet, because I’ve only just arrived and I need to check-in and get my ticket; online. But not to worry, the airport also offers a free 15-minutes of WiFi! Quickly connecting to the 15-minute-WiFi, I’m granted an extremely slow 10KiB/s connection; well, that’s fine, I think, because I only need to input some text into the airline’s app! Opening the app, I am then greeted with the message, “Old app detected! Please update this app in the App Store to use the latest and greatest™ version”. Attempting to follow the instructions, I go to the App Store, and sure enough, there’s an update available! Clicking “update” with now only 12-minutes until my free WiFi ends, the realization that the app update is 200MB sinks in; there’s no way I’m going to download the app in 12-minutes.

Me: Now with no WiFi, no data, and no ticket, I try to look for the transfer desk for this airline, since I can’t go to the check-in desk, since I don’t have the right visa to actually enter this country. I find the desk, but nobody’s there. I think, well, I can just go to a gate where the same airline is flying to elsewhere, and ask them for help. At a random gate to a random destination, I’m (un)helpfully told, “we can print your ticket, but not unless you’re already checked in; and we can’t check you in, only you can online or at the check-in desk”. Oh, great.